West Park Hospital, Epsom - Scotts house
West Park Hospital, Epsom - Scotts house
Date: Feburay
Location: Epsom
Abandoned or Public : Abandoned
Delmoished: Yes
I'm not sure how I found out about West Park Hospital, but it seemed interesting, so I did some more research. I found out that the only remaining part of it was Scott's house. I hopped in the car and headed up there to take a look. To my surprise, it was really easy to get into and explore, and there was so much stuff left behind, which was amazing. Later, I found out that it was demolished later that year, so I was glad I got to see it before that happened.
The hospital was said to have held around 2000 patients and was open as a mental hospital in 1923. It started to get run down by the mid-1990s and was completely closed in 2003. Demolition work started in 2010, and by 2011, most of it was gone. Only a few bits remained and were being restored into apartments.
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