October 24, 2016

arundel Castle- west Sussex

Arundel castle

Date: October 2010

Location: West Sussex

Public or Abandoned: public

Demolished:  No

Last weekend, my friends and I went to Arundel for my university graduation ceremony. We decided to make a weekend out of it and spent a day at Arundel Castle. The castle was magnificent and huge, and we spent most of the day exploring it and admiring the surrounding areas.

Arundel Castle is a remodeled and restored medieval castle that was built by Roger de Montgomery on Christmas Day in the year 1067.

October 06, 2016

Explosive factory - Cliffe - Medway

  Explosive Factory 

Date: October 2016

Location: Cliffe

Public or Abandoned: abandoned

Demolished:  No

My friend and I were taking a walk around the marsh area when I kept hearing about an old explosive factory located there. I had never seen it before, so I was intrigued and wanted to have a closer look. Unfortunately, I couldn't get too close, so I had to use the long lens on my camera to take pictures. The factory, known as Cliffe Explosive Works, was established in the 1890s. Today, only a few buildings remain standing, while others lie buried. It was once a chemical explosive factory. 

Decoy air-field - Cliffe

Decory air-field 

Date: October 2016

Location: Cliffe

Public or Abandoned: public

Demolished:  No

While walking around the marsh, I stumbled upon a small bunker that I had never seen before. I was intrigued to see what it was since I had never been this far around the marsh until now. Although it was pretty empty, it was still a cool find. According to a local, the old decoy airfield is believed to date back to 1941-1942. )

st catharines - kingsdown