June 25, 2018

Gravesend ' M ' block - Gravesend

Gravesend M block 

Date: 24-06-2018 
Location : Gravesend

History  https://ezitis.myzen.co.uk/gravesend.html &  http://www.kentonline.co.uk/gravesend/news/former-hospital-sold-for-23m-161676/

However, in 1999, concern grew for the future of the Hospital as building work proceeded on the new Darent Valley Hospital.  A campaign began to save is as a community hospital and, in 2000, the Trust agreed to build a new facility on the Hospital site to relieve pressure on Darent Valley Hospital.
The Hospital closed in early 2004, with some services moving to the former maternity block, until that too closed in 2006.

It just been brought for 2.3M in 2018    the work starts in summer 2019

Grain Tower - Medway

Grain Tower

Location: Grain 
Date: 24-05-2018 

History:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grain_Tower

Grain Tower is a mid-19th-century gun tower situated offshore just east of Grain, Kent, standing in the mouth of the River Medway. It was built along the same lines as the Martello towers that were constructed along the British and Irish coastlines in the early 19th century and is the last-built example of a gun tower of this type. It owed its existence to the need to protect the important dockyards at Sheerness and Chatham from a perceived French naval threat during a period of tension in the 1850s.

st catharines - kingsdown