December 24, 2014

Blackwidow Submarine - Strood

BlackWidow Submarine

Date:   December 2014

Location: Medway

Public or Abandoned: NO

Demolished:  nO

not much can be said about this submarine - it back dates to the cold war and sits in the River Medway, 

its one place that iv always wanted to explore but have never been able to find a way in or the person who owns the sub.


December 05, 2014

Hurricane aircraft Crash Memorial WW2 - Portsmouth

Hurricane Aircraft Crash Memorial WW2 

Date:   December

Location: Portsmouth

Public or Abandoned: public

Demolished:  no

There isn't much to say about this location except that if you are visiting it, please show respect as it is a memorial for people who died in a crash during World War II. I happened upon it by accident and took a moment to pay my respects before leaving the site.

Candy's Pit - Portsmouth

 Candy's Pit - 

Date:   December

Location: Portsmouth

Public or Abandoned: public

Demolished:  no

I found out from the Portsdown Tunnels website that Candy Pit is actually an abandoned quarry. While searching for something else, I unintentionally discovered small chalk holes in the wall. They were effortless to climb into, but I ended up getting covered in chalk..

GPO PR1 Protected repeater - Portsmouth

GPO PR1 Protected repeater - Portsmouth.

Date:   December

Location: Portsmouth

Public or Abandoned: Abandoned

Demolished:  No

This bunker is one of only eight that were built between 1951 and 1956. When I first came across it, I didn't know what it was and was unable to get inside. As a result, I only managed to take exterior shots of the bunker.

December 04, 2014

Strood Air-raid shelter/Gun emplacement

Strood Air-raid shelter/Gun emplacement

Date:  December Location: Medway

Public or Abandoned: Abandoned

Demolished:  Yes

It's rumored that there is an air-raid shelter in Broom Hill Park, but no evidence has been found, when searching for these so-called air-raid shelters I stumbled across what looked like to be covered for something but was unable to lift them.

st catharines - kingsdown