April 30, 2017

Sheerness water tower

Sheerness Water tower 

Date : March 
Location : Sheerness on sea
Access  : No 

I checked out this place, which was the last on my list, but unfortunately, I couldn't enter the building. Nonetheless, it was quite fascinating to explore its surroundings. The building consisted of two parts - one building used to hold the water tank, which was later removed when the second building was added. As per the records, the first building was constructed around the 1840s to 1850s, while the second building was built in 1890.

However, I regret to inform you that the building has been destroyed by fire in late 2022.

Sheerness Dockyard Church

Sheerness Dockyard Church 

Date:  March 
Location: Sheerness on sea
Access: No

As I was in Sheerness, I thought I'd check out the old church. Unfortunately, this church has been left in ruins and there's no access inside. It is said that the church was built for the dockyard workers and then redeveloped for the Royal Naval Dockyards between 1813 and 1830.

Update: The church has now been restored

April 27, 2017

Rainham Medway - ROC post

Rainham ROC

Date : March
Location : Rainham Kent
Access  : Nope

During our exploration, we also visited the Rainham Kent ROC post. The post was concealed in a remote location, and it was challenging to locate. However, if you're interested in geocaching, you'll find a geocache at this location, which was a pleasant surprise. This ROC post was operational from 1961 to 1968 and was sealed permanently after that..

Cliffe ROC - medway

Cliffe ROC

Date : March 
Location :Cliffe
Access: No

I recently went to Cliffe for a different reason, but while I was there, I decided to check out the ROC post. Even though I knew that it was closed, I wanted to explore the different ROC posts in the Medway towns area. It's a shame that the ROC post has been left abandoned and neglected as it was well hidden. According to the information, this particular post was opened in 1961 but was closed in 1968. At some point, a massive concrete block was placed over it to prevent access..

April 23, 2017

Wash Mills in Berengrave Nature Reserve - Rainham kent

Wash Mill 

Date : march 
Location : Rainham 
Access : Yes - on public footpath 

This was our first time exploring the wash mill. Even though I have lived in Medway most of my life, I didn't know about it until recently. So, while out on an adventure, we thought we would check it out as it was a quick explore.

It was stated that the plant was abandoned after World War I, and it was used to grind chalk that was then pumped to the cement plant at Monty Hill. The chalk used to be transported by a railway that was later abandoned.

April 18, 2017

Chattenden - Medway Part 2

Chattenden Part 2 

Date : March
Location : Chattenden 
Access : Yes ( around woodlands) 

While exploring the footpath around Chattenden, we stumbled upon several interesting sights. These included a burnt-out car, an old tank bridge, and a few air-raid shelters. Unfortunately, the shelters were flooded, so we couldn't fully explore them. Nonetheless, it was an exciting adventure.

st catharines - kingsdown