Fort Darland / Gordon barracks - Gillingham Bussniess park - Medway


Date : July 2017 
Location - Gillingham Kent 
Access -no Gone 

There is a tank located at the place where Fort Darland/Gordon Barracks once stood many years ago. Although there is some speculation that Fort Darland was actually situated elsewhere, we used to pass by this tank while we were in the business park. We stopped to have a look and take some photos of it. 

Fort Darland was a Victorian fort built in 1870 and it stood there until the 1960s when it was demolished to make way for the business site that now occupies the area.

The plack says " This monument commemorates the fact that the Gillingham Business Park is built on the site of Fort Darland, later named Gordon Barracks. which was the training centre for the "Darland Boys" 1939-41. Part of the school of military engineering 1950 - 66, and home to the Royal Engineer Officer Cadet Squadron 1950 - 61. " 


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