March 15, 2013

Air raid bunker / Storage place - Chatham

Chatham air raid bunker//storage place

Date: March
location: Chatham 
Abandoned / Public:  Abandoned
Delmoished: No 

This location has a limited history and, to be truthful, it is one of the strangest places I have ever visited. It is situated in an unusual location and is quite challenging to reach.

I think it may have had some connection to trains in the past, but I am not entirely certain. The area was quite small and is nestled within the chalk hill..

Coure Port ( aka cats eyes ) - Brompton

Cats Eyes / Coure Port

Date: March
location: Chatham 
Abandoned / Public:  Abandoned
Delmoished: No 

This location is quite peculiar. There isn't much information on it, except for the fact that it earned the nickname "cats eyes" after some bricks were removed to resemble eyes. The ramps in this area remind me of the game Temple Run. There is a fascinating mystery surrounding this place, and perhaps one day, I will update you with more details..

March 05, 2013

Brompton Reservoir - Chatham

Brompton Reservoir 

Date: March 
location: Chatham 
Abandoned/Public: Abandoned
Delmoished: NO 

I must admit that exploring Brompton Reservoir was one of the riskiest adventures I've ever had. I almost slipped into the reservoir itself. There isn't much to say about exploring this area except that there are two large open areas. One can be accessed by using the ladder, while the other cannot. Unfortunately, there are no buildings left to explore.

It is rumored that the reservoir was drained in 1855 after someone drowned, but I cannot confirm the truth of this statement as it is merely hearsay.

 2015 shot

St John Fisher school - Medway