August 31, 2015

Frindsbury Chalkpit - Strood

Finsbury chalkpit 

Date:   August 2015

Location: Strood

Public or Abandoned: Abandoned

Demolished:  Yes

Youtube Video no

Unfortunately, I don't have much information about the old chalk pit in Finsbury. However, during my exploration, I stumbled upon an old tunnel that ran beneath the chalk pit. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any photos of the interior of the tunnel as my camera ran out of power.


August 20, 2015

St Michaels Mount - Cornwall

St Michaels Mount

Date:   August 2015

Location: Cornwall

Public or Abandoned: Public

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video no

.The site where the village stands can be traced back to the 12th century, but it was rebuilt during the 15th century. Currently, the site is owned by the National Trust.

You can either take a boat or walk to the island, depending on the tide. During our visit, we had to take the boat because the tide was high and we missed the crossing. The castle is a must-see and definitely worth a visit.

Cornwalls Pill box / view Point

Cornwall  Pillbox/View Point 

Date:  August 2015

Location: Cornwall

Public or Abandoned: Public

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video no

Unfortunately, I don't have much information about the pillbox I came across, as my online search didn't yield much results. I spotted the pillbox/lookout point from afar and made a beeline for it since I was keen on exploring it. The journey to the pillbox was interesting, but it was a bit of a walk.

August 03, 2015

Margate Lido - Margate

Margate lido 

Date: August 2015

Location:  Margate

Public or Abandoned: Abandoned

Demolished:  No

While we were in Margate, I decided to check out the lido. To my surprise, we were able to walk in with ease and spent a good few hours there. I learned that the lido was built by a man named John Henry Iles, who was also the creator of Dreamland. Sadly, the pool was shut down in the 1980s and has since been left to decay.

St John Fisher school - Medway