July 31, 2021

Old pump - Chatham

 Old pump 

Date:   June 2021

Location:  Chatham

Public or Abandoned: public

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video: No

There is not much history on this pump or why it there, located on the ground of a charity, this old pump is sitting there just rotting away,

it is said that before the charity took over the unit, it was a church, before the church it was a garage and that is why the pump is there.

July 12, 2021

Sheppey Rifle range - Sheppey

Sheppey rifle range

Date:  January 2022

Location:  Sheppy

Public or Abandoned: abandoned

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video:

I was on the island ‘ and iv know about the rifle range for years just never bothered with it, the place is pretty open and public and always used by locals

but as of 2020 the future of the range remains unclear and also due to be possible demolished

it recently had a massive fence pit around it but locals is still going inside there

it said that the firing range back dates to 1906, but in 1911 it was mention of a cover way, sadly in 2020 they announced that they wanna demolish the cover way 

July 04, 2021

All saints church ruins - Ridgmont

 All saint church ruins 

Date:      June 2021

Location:  Ridgmont

Public or Abandoned: Public

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video:

To start our a day off we went to this beautiful little church in the middle of nowhere, that has been left to natural decay, but same time left open for the public to see, once we got there we spent a little while speaking to the neighbors of the church who look after the graveyard, who told us to go and have look at there donkeys too so we did as are daughter love animals  the church itself is very stunning and very photogenic 

it said that the church was originally built in the 12th century, but sadly fell into state of disrepair, a new church was built in the center of Ridgemont to replace this one in 1855 

St John Fisher school - Medway