July 22, 2015

Hoo ROC post - Medway

Hoo ROC post 

Date:   July 2015

Location: Gillingham

Public or Abandoned: Abandoned

Demolished:  No

According to the information available, the Hoo ROC post was operational from 1960 to 1991. In 2014, it was reportedly sold for £18,000, but since then, no changes have been made to the post. 

Upon reaching the post, we initially assumed that it was closed since it appeared to be locked. However, on closer inspection, we discovered that the lock was broken and only made to look as if it was locked. We lifted the hatch and climbed down into the post's empty room, which gave us an idea of what it would have been like during its operation..

July 07, 2015

MOD Chattenden

MOD Chattenden 

Date:   july 2015

Location: Gillingham

Public or Abandoned: Abandoned

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video no

aIn Medway, Kent, there is X-MOD land with lots to explore. We spent the day walking and discovering the surrounding area..

Prince William's Barracks - Medway

Prince William's Barracks

Date:   July 2015

Location: Gillingham

Public or Abandoned: Abandoned

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video no

Prince William Barracks is a part of Fort Amherst, but it has been left to rot. It is said that in the 19th century, the battery was used as a royal saluting. This exploration was not an easy one, and I never completed it. I just hoped to go back someday. It was a hot day, and I always wanted to explore these little bits..

St John Fisher school - Medway