Dumpy B / Archcliffe galliers / Drop Redoute - Magazine Rooms
Dumpy B / Archcliffe / Drop Redoute - Magazine Rooms
Date: May
Location: Dover
Abandoned or Public : abandoned
Delmoished: N0
"I just wanted to quickly share that I recently visited some places that I have reported on many times in my blog. While showing some people around the area, I took some photos. Unfortunately, everything except for Archcliffe has become more decayed and overgrown."
Archcliffe Galleries
Archcliffe is a place I always seem to go back to when I'm in Dover, and each time nothing has changed. This visit was also quick, and I was in and out within 10 minutes.
The history of this place is a bit tough to find, and I can't seem to find much information. It is said that it used to be part of a Napoleonic fort that got distorted when a new road was built.
Dumpy B:
I've visited Dumpy B a few times, and the place always gives me the creeps. Sadly, it has become more decayed and seems to be getting more dangerous to be in. During my quick visit, I was in and out within about 20 minutes.
The bunker was built in late 1942 and was one of the Joint Operation headquarters. It's said that NT (National Trust) is trying to make it safe, similar to what they did with Fan Bay, but nothing has come of it yet.
Drop Redoubt Battery
I have only been here once in the past and then forgot about it until recently. It has become very overgrown and forgotten about, sadly.
It's said that the planning started around 1853 and had 8-8" guns but changed to 42" in 1868. The magazine room was added around 1876 but seems to be the only visible thing to this date.
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