Fort Burgoyne - Dover

  Fort Burgoyne 

                                           Date: May 
                                           Location:  Dover 
                                           Abandoned or Public : Tours 
                                           Delmoished: N0

I saw on Facebook that Fort Burgoyne was having an open day, allowing visitors to explore the entire fort. I decided to take the opportunity and head down to Dover to check it out. The entire fort was open for exploration, and there was a guided tour of the underground areas every 45 minutes. I spent a good few hours here, looking around, taking photos, and videos.

Fort Burgoyne, also known as the "castle on the hill," was built around the 1860s. The fort was named Fort Burgoyne in the 19th century. During World War I, it was used as a military depot. In 2014, the fort was acquired by the land trust, and they spent around £2.5 million stabilizing and restoring the site to its present state.,


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