Snape hill Mines - Sussex
Snape Hill Mines
Date: October 2022
Location: east Sussex
Public or Abandoned: Public - Abandoned
Demolished: No
iv known about these mines for about 3 years - but only got around to checking them out, the mines are a lot smaller than I expected, and with the weather starting off mega crap due to heavy rainfall and thunder - we set off around midday to the mines, when we got there it was a tight squee down the shaft ( defo was not my favorite ) once inside it was pretty much a straight line, there not much down there but some cool natural graffiti & and rail lines from when they are done mining I did not enjoy going cross the bridge, but it was a cool part of the iron mines.
From the number of different sources online said that these mines opened for just 1 yr ( between 1857 to 1858 ) before being abandoned,
the mines were used to mine iron,
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