North Entrance Bridge - Dover

North Entrance Bridge.

Date: august 2018 
Location : Dover
Access : Nope 

Back in Dover once again to explore more of the places we had missed, we headed to the North Entrance. This was definitely an interesting location, although we had no way of getting inside the tunnels since access was restricted. Later, we discovered online that there is an open day once a year when visitors can enter. Several websites mentioned that the North Entrance is a good example of fortification. It served as the main road until 1960, but starting in the 1860s, a new road was constructed that ultimately destroyed much of what was there before. The North Entrance was also used during the wars. After the new road was built, about two-thirds of the water tanks were destroyed and repurposed as dumping grounds. However, one of the water tanks still remains intact. Once the new military road was established, the site fell into disrepair and was abandoned."


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