Prince William barracks - fort Amherst - Chatham

 Prince William barracks - Fort Amherst 

Date: August 2022

Location: Medway

Public or Abandoned:   Public

Demolished:   No

I have been here a number of times before ( Before revamp ) & ( after revamp)  But I just thought ill take a little trip up to the fort on a semi raining day with my toddler just to get some fresh air, we walked around the fort and she got to splash in some puddles so she was happy

So it said that the barracks were named after William who was the 3rd son of George, It also said that the battery was used in the 19th century for royal saluting even after the fort became obsolete.

the battery was left for a long time before to become overgrown, but it got the go-ahead in later 2017/ start of 2018 to be restored and opened to the public 


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