Fort Amherst Tunnels ( Fairy event ) - Medway

Fort Amherst Tunnels 

 Date:  April
Location: Medway 
Public or Abandoned: public ( Tours) 
Demolished: No  

I got invited to the fort Amherst fairy event that is held once a year at the fort, the event runs inside the tunnels and also out on the grounds, over the years I have explored the fort but never been in the tunnels, the tunnels were pretty interesting and very decorated for the fairy event with lots going on and stall holders.
over the event was great fun.

So it said that in 1880 militia regiment was sent to Chatham to dig tunnels and the Fort Amherst tunnel was the result of their digging. the tunnels have also been featured in a number of different films such as "the mission ", sherlock Homes, darkest hour, and much more.


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