Reigate Fort - Surrey


Reigate Fort 

Date:  December 2021

Location:  Surrey

Public or Abandoned:  Public

Demolished:  No

Youtube Video

Reigate fort is located in Surrey , it is siad that reigate fort is one of the fort is said to be built in the 1890's but by the 1906 it was no longer needed - it one of the many forts built along a north down.

Our trip to the fort was a last-minute thing as we were going past it on our way home, so we thought we stop off and have a look

as normal it started to rain on us with the little explore - All the building are locked up by managed to put my phone through the bars to get pictures of inside the buildings - National trust do open days of the site apparently but haven't seen anything to do with the fort having open day in about 2/3 years so not sure on what happens on that

the fort itself is an interesting little look around with plenty of information bored explaining about the fort.



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