Grain fort tunnels - Revist - Medway

 Grain fort Tunnels

                                            Date: october 
                                           Location: kent 
                                           Abandoned or Public : Abandoned 
                                          Delmoished: No

This was not my first visit and this most prob won't be my last visit. we were showing a friend the tunnels, and this time we had our 3-year-old with me too - who safe to say loved going inside the tunnels ( starting them young aha) , The only difference about visits this time, as I saw there was a small amount of remains of the fort above ground too which I have never notice in the past.

Grain Fort was always an interesting one to explore because the entrances are hidden but in plain sight too -  it said that tunnels A & B are connected and tunnel C is on its own as they have been backfilled somewhere in between.
 it said that the grain fort was built back in 1860, but in 1960 the main fort was demolished leaving only the underground tunnels. 


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