Titchfield Abbey - Titchfield

Titchfield abbey  

Date:  June 2021

Location:  Titchfield

Public or Abandoned: Public

Demolished:  No

The Explore 

This abbey was 1/4 sites we went to on this day, we left kent about 8am and took the 2hr drive up to Titchfield we got to the site about 10:30, at first we missed the site as it was well hidden up a driveway, once we arrived we put our 1-year-old little girl in the bushbaby and on our the way to advancer around the site, My most favorite bit of the site was the fact they have persevered the roman tiles as it a pretty uncommon thing to see.

It said that it was built in the 13th century,  it said that it was home to the premonstratenisan canons, who lived like monks, 


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